
A name, a way

of doing research

Telecommunications / Audiovisual

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 07:37

Where we are

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C/ Serrano, 56, 2ª Plt.

28001 Madrid

Teléfono +34 91 4356961

Fax +34 91 4311090

You’ll find us in the heart of Madrid’s city centre, in the Salamanca district, on one of the capital’s chic-est streets where top hotels rub shoulders with stylish shops. Fast airport link (just 20 minutes by taxi) and 5 minutes from Serrano metro (subway) station.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 07:37

Legal Notice

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In-depth Investigación de Mercado, S.L. (hereafter In-depth) in compliance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July, the Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce Act, informs on the following with regard to this Web site:


Its corporate name is In-depth Investigación de Mercado, S.L.
Its CIF is B82154691. 
It is inscribed in the Madrid Companies Registry, Volume 13.665, Folio 49, Section 8; Sheet M-222633.
Its registered address is C/Serrano 56, 28001 Madrid
In-depth may be contacted in any of the following ways: 
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In-depth maintains a level of security for information protection that is consistent with laws applicable to security measures for files that contain personal information. Idea exercises the appropriate level of security for each type of data gathered.   
Sending an e-mail: In-depth provides users with an e-mail address so they can contact In-depth with any questions they might have. The personal information contained in such e-mails may be kept on file by In-depth for the purposes of resolving petitions and keeping users informed of our services in the future, unless requested not to. If the sender of the e-mail does not provide all the information deemed necessary, In-depth may not proceed with registering the user and/or may deny the service requested. The user may exercise his/her rights by writing to the addresses indicated in this document. By sending an e-mail to        In-depth requesting information, the sender expressly consents to his/her information being kept on file as well as to receiving e-mails to the indicated address.     
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